At the Airbrix factory in Woomsworth an email is
read. "Bleeding hell boys this isn't the average customer," they
all agree in the Customer Care Department, just then the door bursts open
a massive creature like King Kong blocks the doorway, with a rocket in his
hand. Packers drop kit mouldings everywhere, there is a fateful air, the
relaxed joviality ceases, the managing director Phil Smith warned what would
become of pissing Airbrix customers off, he told dark tales of a similar
encounter in 1950 with a father of a disappointed son making the Woollington
bomber. He was dismissed as a boring old fart by the rest of the young modern
directors when he disagreed after they advised making redundant, Larry Corby, a
man with fifty years experience, who actually assembled the models and reported
They introduced a feared and
dreaded Customer Care team. Straight from University with degrees in bollocks,
they came up with statements like " Traceability Code, production
number," and of course help lines manned by incoherent figures, and all on
a premium rate number at £3.00 per minute. Back to the factory the huge dark
figure grabbed a pretty blonde from packing, who calmed him somewhat doing hand
stands and strange dances. The huge figure roared and decided to keep her, she
sympathised with him, smiled, giggled, and said. "See if little Amy can
help you pissed off Dark Figure"(holding the instructions upside down) she
comes up with, "there it is, the production number, I set it up myself. Oh
maybe not that's a part number." He doesn't kill her as he likes her a bit
more than The Customer Care Team, who meanwhile try to trace which one of the
annoying little faceless Pooch drivers caused this latest incident.
This team seemed to pride themselves on who could
annoy the customers the most. Mark was brought to the front, and they shouted
at the hip smart arse, "give him to Dark Figure!" They all mocked Mark
in unison. Mark screamed on the floor, but it was no use, Dark Figure had
dropped Amy and made his way to the Customer Care Team section.
"Where is he?" He boomed, they pushed
Mark to the front, then hid behind desks everywhere. Dark Figures face was
inches away from Marks, who had the rocket instructions laid out on a spare
desk. Mark couldn't make head nor tail of it. Dark Figure said in a low tone,
"Traceability Code!" Try as he might, Mark couldn't find it
anywhere, his hands shook as Dark Figure shouted. "Come on, come on, where
is it?" Just then Amy came in and calmed Dark Figure.
He walked out with Amy and they became close
and married, they had two fine children, a girl and boy. Mark is still looking
for the code to this very day. Dark Figures little boy is throwing Airbrix kits
at the wall in frustration, his sister tries to calm him. Dark Figure just pats
him and says. "That's my boy!"
Meanwhile at Airbrix The customer care line is busy
in Boogladish, the call centre is well briefed with phrases like Traceability Code,
and a new one. "Product ref slip 0002756444330zy." This can't be
found either so the bill meter ticks on while new "Dark Figures"
emerge everywhere. A bad cauldron of discontent is brewing worldwide, maps are
consulted and the Dark Figures converge on the Airbrix factory in
Kevin Humphreys
November 2012
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